Project Management Approach Defined

Project Management Approach
Project management (PM) is known as a well planned approach for a process from start to end. It is concerned about the planning and guiding of the project since beginning to end. Any process has to be guide in typically 5 phases. They're initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closing. Project Management can be applied to almost all type of projects but especially it's practical in application development projects to handle the complicated process. It is an organized effort and it is scheduled carefully. To accomplish a specific project, Project Management is important.

History and Evolution of Project Management

Project Management
Project management, as we know it at the moment started to stretch out its branches only a few decades ago, but it was mounting all over civilization from the start of history.

With an objective of maximum result with minimum involvement, and to breed thought into reality, human need for an optimal management technique that could trigger personnel productivity to yield product, that is predetermined and objectified was outlining a management system throughout the development of human perception though out its progress.